My favorite
website is because it is very easy to use. I think it’s the
easiest site to use and I feel that I could really use this for a real blog.
Since I’ve never used a blog before, I think this is the best way to start
blogging. This site did have instructions on how to set up my blog and how to
use the different features. Most of this website was simple enough to be self
explanatory, but I also needed a little prior knowledge to help use part of
this website. I have looked through the settings and I am unsure if you have
the ability to control what sees the blog and comment on my site. If I were to
recommend a blog for a student to set up, I would suggest because
it is the easiest to begin with and to start your own blog. Once you begin
using this blog, I would then recommend using because it is a
little more advanced, but it is a lot better in my opinion. I chose over the other two sites because it was the perfect mix of easy
and hard to make and use the blog. was my next favorite because it
was easy to use and a good blog, but I felt like was just a
little better. was my least favorite because it was harder to set
up and is more complicated to use. I would not recommend this to other people
to use this unless you are an experienced blogger. I would tell the students
that they should learn the different ways to blog. There’s not much to know
when using this blog because it is quite simple and easy to use. On I found it very difficult to set up and to start using it, but on
the other two blogs it was very simple and easy to set. Overall, I think was the most effective blog.